
Established in 2004, euroClinix is arguably the largest online clinic of its kind operating within the EU. The website allows users to order prescription medication without the hassle of seeing a doctor in person. Users must complete a free online consultation during the ordering process, which is then reviewed by a registered doctor, allowing for a prescription to be issued.

euroClinix offer delivery with Royal Mail or UPS to guarantee a fast and efficient delivery service. In most of the cases it deliver by next working day.


Revshare 13% - 17%

Available languages

View Offer

We provide medical services in 11 languages and have successfully treated over 500,00 patients since opening in 2004.

Claudio Deidda - euroClinix Marketing Manager

Key Performance Indicators

With transparent stats we make it easy to compare offers and your campaign's performance.


Top 10 Conversion Rate

Offer average 3.78%


Top 10 Average Order Value

Offer average $142.28


Top 10 Average Commission Value

Offer average $22.06


Top 10 Earnings Per Click

Offer average $0.83

Earning Potential

With only a few orders per day affiliates can generate thousands in commissions. Use the sliders to view your earning potential.

Orders Per Day

1 20

Average Order Value

$39 $262

Commission Rate



Per Day : $35.92
Per Month : $1,39.10
Per Year : $13,319.10
Sign Up Now


euroClinix has hundreds of resources from high resolution photos to free templates. New resources are frequently added, however if you need that special photo or a different size banner just ask your affiliate manager, they are here to help make your campaign a success. Click on the menu below to take a sneak peek of what's inside.