Reasons to Promote Hexpress Healthcare

4 years ago 10 Minutes

What is online healthcare (and why should it be your niche)

One of the most crucial decisions an affiliate marketer must make is what niche to target. Many of the “top” affiliate programs are so oversaturated that they are difficult to rank for. Others are so undesirable that you will also struggle to deliver a meaningful profit.

Every affiliate marketer is looking for that sweet spot market. 

At Health Trader we have seen online healthcare providers become that sweet spot for many affiliate marketers. Online healthcare providers offer medical consultations and prescriptions all from the comfort of home.

The reason why affiliates love online healthcare offers is they can fit within almost any niche. Here are a few common examples of content recommending an online clinic offer.

Mommy blogger? Try ranking for common child health concerns. 

Travel recommendation website? Try ranking for motion sickness providers with urgent delivery.

Men’s product review website? Try ranking for erectile dysfunction products that can be ordered online discretely.

Women’s lifestyle influencer? Try ranking for women’s contraceptives.

Healthcare is something that affects all of us. While some niches respond better than others to online healthcare offers, the fact of the matter is most affiliates could benefit from adding an online healthcare offer to their portfolio. 

HealthTrader have partnered with Hexpress Healthcare to offer our affiliates the best providers of online healthcare. 

What is Hexpress Healthcare?

Hexpress Healthcare is one of the top online healthcare providers in London. Hexpress is one of the pioneers in telemedicine, as one of the first to provide an online consultation and prescription service.

Hexpress started at the cusp of mainstream Internet use in 2002. was launched partnering with local pharmacies, being the first online clinic of its kind in the UK. The small team grew into a team of over 100 global employees including an in-house medical team. 

One reason why affiliates love this offer is the longevity of the company. As mentioned, Hexpress has been around for decades, giving a sense of security and longevity. Affiliates also love how international this offer is. 

Under the Hexpress Healthcare group are a range of online healthcare providers. At the time of writing, here are the available providers and where they are promoted:

  • 121doc: Consultations and prescriptions provided online in a discreet manner. Website is available in English, Danish, Norwegian, French, Swedish, German Deutsch, Portuguese, and Polish.

  • EuroClinix: EuroClinix claims to be Europe’s leading online clinic. This clinic was launched to open telemedicine from the UK to the wider Europe market.

  • HealthExpress: HealthExpress was launched as Hexpress Healthcare’s first online clinic back in 2002. This online clinic still exists today as one of the most popular online clinics in the UK. 

  • Medilico: Thisis an online clinic specializing in the French market. The website is available in French.

  • Meds4all: this online clinic specializes in the German market. The website is available in German, Swiss-German, and French. 

  • OnlineClinic: Just as the name sounds, OnlineClinic is a virtual clinic focused primarily on the UK market. 


It’s easy to see why affiliates flock to Hexpress Healthcare’s affiliate program. The Hexpress team jumped on a new concept in its infancy and has been riding the wave out ever since. 

Let’s dive into the Hexpress Healthcare history.

2002, around the time Wikipedia was launched, Hexpress Healthcare also launched. The Internet was quickly becoming mainstream, although not quite a necessity yet. HealthExpress launched as the first online clinic of its time in the UK. By 2003, patients could have consultations online, a revolutionary idea for the time.

2005 hits and the rest of Europe starts calling for a similar service. Hexpress answered this call with euroClinix, the first online consultation service in Europe. The team was still relatively small at the time,

That is, until 2006 when increased demand led to a second office opening in India. This rapid growth also included opening an office in Australia in 2009, a New Zealand office in 2014, and a launch into the Latin American market in 2017.

And then 2020 hit. With that came Covid-19. More than ever, people needed options to have medical consultations and prescriptions delivered from home. 

All of this leaves us with where Hexpress Healthcare is today. Hexpress and all of its brands are continuing to grow as the world adapts to a new generation of healthcare. 



Now is truly an exciting time to join the Hexpress Healthcare family. Apply to promote these offers today on your affiliate dashboard. 




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